Data processing and communication platform
NEMO will develop the first integrated sensing data platform for noise and exhaust emission measurements for individual vehicles. The platform will automatically process measured emissions, identify license plates and recover technical information from each country database. Trough integrated data analysis, it will be possible to send notifications directly to identified high emitters or to communicate with toll operating systems, regardless of the road or toll operator. This digital ecosystem does not currently exist, but will be developed and demonstrated in NEMO.

The software infrastructure will consist of three main modules: A synchronizer, a data hub, and an emission reporter. The synchronizer compiles all the data collected from each individual vehicle and sends it to the data hub. The data hub stores the information and creates a complete registry for each vehicle that passes by. It marks the high emitters with a flag according to a customizable categorization logic. The emission reporter serves as a data analysis platform for internal use to study, in detail, the noise and emissions, which can enrich the logic to define the limits for high emitters. It also contains a data reporting tool that can provide relevant key performance indicators for the infrastructure operator and authorities. The system will be cloud-based (European servers) and will be designed to compare data from other air quality and noise sources, such as cities’ fixed monitoring stations.
