Cities best practice exchange network

Making innovative remote-sensing technology scalable for cities across Europe


The NEMO project is important as it helps identify high emitting vehicles and it helps cities to get them off the road. The project identifies what cars, trucks, vans and busses emit in reality when they are driving around in the cities. This is extremely important because every year 4000 people die across Europe due to air pollution. Air pollution is also responsible for tens of billions’ public health costs.

Getting polluting cars off our streets and transforming the way we move around is urgently needed if we want to solve the air pollution health emergency and halt the climate crisis.

The ultimate aim of NEMO is to make the innovative remote-sensing technology scalable for cities across Europe.  As part of NEMO’s development we’re establishing a knowledge-sharing network of European cities to exchange best-practises, ideas and inspiration, with the aim to create both an acceptance of the application and replication of solutions, across Europe.

The Cities Exchange Network will allow to exchange experience of each city in order to adapt NEMO to the different local needs.

What we do

A Cities Exchange Report will be published during the project, containing best practises, with a focus on shared remote emission sensing experiences, low emission zones (LEZ) management and traffic enforcement, impact assessment, as well as identification of barriers and how to overcome them, thereby assisting the integration of NEMO’s solution into cities’ mobility policies.

How to connect

If you’re representing a city and would like to get access to tried and tested ideas, cutting edge knowledge, and sharing you’re own, join us today.